Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Clearly Hollywood is not reading my blog...

Because if they were, they would have noted my lambasting of remaking movies that weren't that good to begin with. However, what Hollywood is doing now is remaking this movie. You may have heard of it, some of us have even seen it, but there's no one anywhere clamoring for a remake. Trust me on this. Full article here.

On the other hand, someone just optioned this property. Which sounds cool. A detective who makes people forget they ever met him? That's kind of interesting.

Some artwork on this page might be not safe for work but this might be, and I don't want to exaggerate this claim, but this might be the GREATEST IDEA FOR A BOOK, EVER.

If they have fixed my complaints with the first one, this might be the greatest video game of all time. (I know, I'm prone to hyperbole).

This dude is the GREATEST BIKER OF- ah, forget it. I'm just gonna let this dude's video do what it does. Which is mostly make me cringe every time he's flying ten feet in the air on a bike cause I'm thinking about how badly I'd sprain my ankle ever time he does a trick.

Brilliant Logos. Some of these are downright freaky in their genius.

I have no idea what's going on here. This guy apparently won a contest or something, and now he's trying to make a CG Batman movie set 10 years after Dark's not bad for creepiness, but, you know, the lack of movement sort of makes me worry, cause making CG characters move around and look good while they do it is not easy.

I find this, to be perfectly blunt, to be suspiciously similar to this. Except if Wesley Snipes was a Japanese school girl. Which come to think of it should make it the greatest movie ever...

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