Thursday, July 12, 2007

Buddhists, Cameras, and Baseball. An Eclectic mix as usual.

Oh, man, Mom used to watch this show, and I used to watch this show, and this looks fantastic! Steve Carrell is Maxwell Smart!
Babies are cute, and dogs are cute, so check out Bumbo! And if that isn't enough, there's a part II!
Enter your blog address on this webpage and it will tell you you're rating. Mine is PG-13. I think because it mentions blood or killing in some of the game descriptions...
It's the Octapult. One of those bizarre things you only ever see on the internet.
Baseball is only fun if you actually get to play yourself. Play some baseball.
Alan Watts is a Zen Buddhist and a philosopher. As Watts himself would have said (I'm paraphrasing)"...I'm not advocating or selling Zen Buddhism. I'm just here to entertain." These videos were put together by the South Park guys over some old recordings of Watts. They're neat.
I always like posting games here. This one is from a camera company. It's called Temple of Zoom. I think you get a gift certificate for finishing it, so if you're out to buy a camera...

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