Monday, December 10, 2007


Ok, there's more warhammery goodness quotes over there. Check em out.

Mass Attack is pretty cool.
And you can waste a good hour or so with the R2D2 translator.
And there's more Narnia movies coming.
And finally, this made me laugh. Lego Indiana Jones. You gotta watch it all the way to the end for the surprise twist!

Oh, and somebody leave me a comment. I don't care what it is or if it's anonymous or what, it's just nice to know somebody is reading this thing. Not that I'd stop posting if no one was, I'm just saying.


Caboose's Chew Toy said...

I read this enough, I suppose I could leave you with some comment love.

Mass Attack is darn addicting btw. :)

Madtoad said...

Oh, good, Mr. Tact stopped by. :P

Unknown said...

omg hi!

Mr. Puuk said...

I like jell-o.

Thunderheart said...

Your eyes....don't trust them.

Buddha says you do not need to hear the sound of a falling tree in the woods to know it exists.

Plant it, water it and watch it grow....

Let all of its cosmic shade shield you from the bad vibes and intense solar radiation in the universe...

Jeff Freeman said...

You post lists of links set to open in the current window, and you want comments?

What? You think we should come back here?

I am easily distracted, sir!