Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I Have the Greatest Job In The World.

So, some of you know this, some of you don't, but I recently started working for Heatwave Interactive. That would be the company started by Sunsword. Basically, I'm sitting around writing up ideas for games I want to make. This is more awesome than I can even begin to explain. We got our first bit of money in the bank, so things are going very, very, very well. Wish us luck.

Ok, here's some stuff to peruse:

So, the Spirit. Yeah, this could be cool. Check out these pics of Sam Jackson and Scarlett Johansson. Sam is playing the bad guy.
Another cool scene from Iron Man. I can not wait for this movie!
There's a new, longer trailer of the Speed Racer movie. Be warned, this movie has more colors in it than the human eye should even be able to perceive. Seriously, if you think you might be epileptic, don't watch this. Don't even go to the webpage.
Cool Zodiac artwork.
Here's our freaky thing of the day: Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds. Um...but with all the birds removed. Yeah.


Jeff Freeman said...

This movie?

Wildly Popular 'Iron Man' Trailer To Be Adapted into Full-Length Film

It could be alright, but living up to that trailer is going to be tough.

Jeff Freeman said...

Oh yeh - you can get youtube to give you a high-quality video by adding &fmt=18 to the URL.

like so

Not always available, but in the case of that Iron Man sneak peek, the improvement is pretty swank.