Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm posting, I don't care if you're reading or not anymore.

I feel it is my designated duty to bring you cool looking game trailers, so in that vein "Project Trico". Which surely someone will later point out to me isn't a game or something, but I don't know, it looks cool.

Oh, it's also my designated duty to bring you movies about video games that look ridiculous. Case in point. Come on Gerard, you were great in 300. Make something decent!

What do the robots want in Terminator? Just to kill all humans? Then what? All they do is build better robots for killing humans. What happens if they kill all the humans? They make better robots to not kill humans? They start on some other species? I think we should make a terminator movie where it's 100 years in the future and all the humans are dead and now Skynet just hunts and kills sharks. I'd watch that.

Even though Lorenzo Llamas is in this movie, I'm still gonna watch it. I'll probably own it on DVD at some point.

The first two pictures from the Avatar: The Last Airbender movie are out here. I assume that's supposed to be Zuko and Ang, who look like this. So, that's not bad, right? Considering it's directed by M. Night Shamalamadingdong and his last movie was about trees that hated people I call this one a win.


Unknown said...

I read consistently. So there :p

Unknown said...

I cannot read and must wait for the movie to come out, thus any comments I have would be late and not be relevant so I don't post them.