Friday, November 16, 2007

Weekend Goodies.

I found a metric ton of links to webgames but I haven't finished compiling them yet, so that will have to wait for like Monday or something. But for now, I have some goodies for the weekend.

Check out this Squirrel playing dead.
If you're having trouble deciding between the Venison Carcass and the Elk Carcass for Thanksgiving, then...these pictures aren't going to help you.
I love this song.
The great Pizza Orientation Test.
The University of California Marching Band's tribute to Video Games. This is neat.
I find this game Infectious. (Ho ho, I'm so clever).
Free Rice. This is some kind of Vocabulary game, and when you get answers right they send free rice to hungry people. Or something. I didn't really bother reading all of it.
Paint Lines to help the ball get home. It's paintball. But not the kind you would normally think of.

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