Sunday, August 9, 2009

I have serious GI Joe issues.

I wish I could Dan Shanoff my way into writing a post a day but I just don't have that kind of free time. To be fair, Shanoff does that for a living, writing a post a day for Sports Illustrated, so I guess if that was all I had to do everyday I could probably pull one together. And he takes weekends off.

That being said, this is going to be the third week in a row that I've put up a new post on a Monday. Well, technically this is going up Sunday night, but that's fairly consistent for me.

Atkins is like the best diet ever with the exception of the fact that I don't have anything to drink except tea, water or coffee. It's like I'm imprisoned on an airplane in 1974. I can't even have milk. I can have heavy cream, but that's not so much for drinking. The food though, is exquisite. Bacon, shrimp, garlic, heavy cream and Parmesan cheese came together Saturday night for a little brouhaha and they were so fantastic I almost forgot I was drinking my 734th gallon of unsweet tea with them. Vaden, thanks for the recipe.

One of the things I can't have, back to my problem with the drinks, is sodas. That's mostly because I can't get over the horrid aftertaste that all natural sweeteners seem to have conspired to have, or I could drink diet sodas, but that's neither here nor there. What is here (and there) is this awesome soda fountain that's making it's debut in like 10 Jack in the Box chains somewhere in Atlanta (maybe?) that dispenses something like 100 different drinks. The video contains some foul language from the kids there who are mystified by it's magical properties, so be forewarned.

Oh, I'm still not done complaining about the GI Joe movie, by the way. You wanna know how much they've sold out? They're selling sneakers now. Awesome. (Note: I still haven't seen the travesty myself yet, but Kayla and Brandon will help me survive it on Saturday).

This version of the GI Joe movie I would have watched, btw.

Iron Man 2 footage. Watch it quick before somebody loses their mind and removes it.

I'm stuck on the Joe's now. Check out some topnotch humor (I know it's old) from McSweeney's. A Cobra Grunt's Diary. My favorite entry: June 28, 1987 We sure seem to have a lot of ninjas on the COBRA payroll.

Also, there's a new diary up by the same guy. I agree with the IO9 writers. I want him to script the next movie.

Sci-fi Wire has an interview with the screen writers of Star Trek (awesome) about the sequel and who or what might be in it. Right now they're sure they're going to put the quote “He's dead, Jim.” in there. Which I'm all in favor of. We might also see this guy play Harry Mudd. Which is cool, but, you know, not really action-y enough for me. I'd rather see Khan. Maybe from this guy? Feel free to lambast me for that idea, but I'll make my arguments later if you do. Possibly, say, next Monday? Let's see how the comments go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I got nothing.