Saturday, August 22, 2009

Tuesday is the new Monday.

I don't know what happened there, I was all rolling on Monday posts and now I'm on Tuesdays. It's like days of the week have no meaning for me anymore. Weird right?

I feel that it's my solemn duty as a game developer to bring you information about games, at least every once in a while, so I throw up trailers to games or game website occasionally (as you may have noticed). However, since the recent problems with blog lawsuits and people actually going to court for saying "bad" things about people or products, I'm not going to tell you that I think this trailer looks ridiculous. That might get me in trouble. I'm just going to post this and make a couple of comments. Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is a new PSP game being released soonish. Now, this is not to say anything bad about it, I'm just pointing out that those 5 words don't go together. It's like somebody has a random English word generator and picked out 5 random words. If Metal Gear Solid wasn't already a license you could look at it and say "Those words don't go together." I mean, really, what do they mean? This is in addition to the "fact" that Metal Gear Solid 2 (Which had a 95% rating from the critics, so, that's good) has quite possibly the most convoluted story line ever written by human beings. It makes War & Peace look like the 3 bears. I mean seriously, just go to that page and try to comprehend the plot. Again, not saying anything bad you lawsuit happy lawyers, just saying, there it is.

What happens when some nerdy mathematicians get together and start discussing things like, say a zombie apocalypse? Well then you get a thoroughly detailed Mathematical analysis of a zombie apocalypse. That's what happens.

James Cameron's Avatar trailer. Not Avatar the Last Airbender. This is the other Avatar movie. It looks....meh. I can't even, I mean, it just...What happened to the dude that made Aliens? And The Abyss? And Terminator? And Terminator 2? And True Lies? And Piranha Part 2: The Spawning? (By the way, possibly the best flying piranha movie ever made). Did the giant piles of money from Titanic make Cameron crazy? I'm going to get sued for that. But I believe, from this trailer, that the (POTENTIAL SPOILERS * WATCH TRAILER BEFORE READING) dude in the wheel chair is scientifically placed in the body of the big blue elf in an effort to spy on the big blue elves so the space marines can attack them, but then he falls in love with big blue elf girl and he doesn't want to betray the big blue elf people and then everybody learns a valuable lesson. That's just my guess, and to be honest, that doesn't sound particularly interesting to me. Maybe it's just me. I'm sure it will be beautiful.

On the other hand, the trailer is up for Venture Bros. Season 4. Man, that show just is so awesome I can't even handle how awesome it is. I need to rewatch the first 3 seasons before it starts just to get myself prepared for it.

How bout a list of the 10 Most Expensive Cars in the world? Tim will be happy to note that the Veyron is number one. My house costs less than, well, all of these cars.

Which means I'll need to buy one of the 10 Least Expensive Cars in America.

Then I'll need insurance. It's cheap to insure these cars. But not these.

I may have posted the shaky cam version of the Wolfman trailer prior to this, but this is the official trailer. And again I say...meh. I don't know what it is, I *like* werewolves. I really do. When I was a kid I liked werewolves more than vampires. I wrote a story outline once for an epic book I was going to write where werewolves killed vampires. But the movie just looks...I don't know. Kind of disjointed? A little dull? I think there's going to be a lot of hand wringing and guilt, and not enough cool werewolfy stuff.

Also, what's up with Anthony Hopkins? It struck me that with Benecio Del Toro as his son, this is the second time Hopkins has been, well, I don't know, sort of a Spanish father I guess? I mean, maybe in Wolfman he had a Spanish wife, which is fine. But I felt like I was seeing him in Zorro again, remember that? Where he was the old Zorro? And was a Spanish Don? And I forgot, he also played Pablo Picasso (born in Spain). He knows he was born in Wales, right? You know what's really weird? He played Othello. know, one of the central themes of Othello is that Othello's a black guy, right? I guess they decided to ignore that part. Oh, well he did it in blackface apparently. Or maybe he's just really tan. That makes it better, I guess. This appears to be par for the course for British Shakespeare. That's Laurence Olivier.

By the way, looking up Laurence Olivier actually led me to this webpage, which is right up there with the creepy.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Don't be melodramatic about libel suits, it takes a lot more than "I hate your work" to get sued.

I will say when watching the Avatar trailer is that this is what "Dances With Wolves" would have looked like +space ships and -Kevin Costner